Conserve water and lower your bill

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Did you know that more water is used in your bathroom than anywhere else in your home? You can make your bathrooms much more water efficient with products bearing the WaterSense label. This includes toilets, shower heads and faucets. Using WaterSense products anywhere inside or outside of your home will save you money and help… Read more

Earth Day Water Saving Tips

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April 22nd marks Earth Day, a day celebrated by millions of people across the world. Since the first Earth Day in 1970, the United States has made tremendous progress improving air quality, cleaning up contaminated lands, and protecting our water resources. The following are some water saving tips for your home. Monitor your water meter… Read more

Conserve Water with these Tips

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Did you know the average person uses 50 gallons of water a day? If you obtain water from a public water supply, your water bill lets you know that each drop wasted costs you money. What You Can Do Indoors to Save Water Fix dripping and leaking faucets and toilets.A faucet leaking 30 drops per minute wastes… Read more

Oil to Gas Heat Conversion

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If you have had any trouble with any part, or all of your heating system, you may want to upgrade or change your heating system.    It may be wise to revamp, upgrade or replace your heating system entirely. Nothing is worse than having an emergency with your heating system in sub-freezing temperatures.   The average… Read more

Keep your home safe during a freeze

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Some helpful hints that might help save your pipes from freezing in extreme cold temperatures: Keep your house temperature at a steady 70 degrees, even if you’re leaving the house for an extended period of time.  Keep cabinet doors that are located on outside walls open so that heat gets in.  Open water faucets and… Read more

Outdoor Plumbing Plans Are Important

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Outdoor plumbing is an essential part of your outdoor space transformation plans.  When determining what your outdoor entertaining needs are, think about; how often you will be entertaining and how many people you will be entertaining.   Planning your utility needs early and properly is important to make sure you have everything needed to run the… Read more

Water Efficient Bathroom

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Bathrooms are by far the largest water users in the home, accounting for more than half of all the water that families use indoors. If you’re tired of your bathroom and want a water efficient one give it a mini-makeover with  Water Sense Products! Advances in plumbing technology and design mean that faucets, showers, and toilets… Read more

Plumbing Repair

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No plumbing repair work is too small.  We perform small service repairs on all plumbing and on all hot water based heating systems.  We have recently added larger trucks to our fleet so that we can carry more service and repair parts to better serve your plumbing and heating repair needs.  We like to call… Read more

Faucet repair

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The days of carrying parts for three or four different brand faucets are long gone as are the days of just having rubber washers and seats on hand.  With the influx of home centers, designer showrooms, the invasion of foreign faucets, and every manufacturer experimenting with some kind of washer-less faucet technology, the business of… Read more

Toilet Repair

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As with everything else, toilets and toilet repair have changed significantly in the 70 years Jack Berleth & Sons has been in the Plumbing & Heating business. Once, toilets used in excess of 5 gallons of water per flush (5 gpf), then 3.5 gpf became the norm.  In 1999, the federal government passed new water conservation… Read more

Repair Leaking Pipes

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Water Piping: Some older homes still have galvanized and brass piping which runs through the house distributing water to the kitchen and bathrooms. Although the brass and galvanized pipe wall thickness is greater than the copper pipe and PEX tubing we use today, that older pipe had thread cut onto the ends so that it… Read more

Pipe freezes can damage your home

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Keep thermostats at a higher than normal temperature. This will help to prevent a pipe freezes. Keep inside doors open for better circulation of the heat. For bathroom or kitchen pipes that run on exterior walls, open cabinet doors, and if possible, keep a space heater in the area for supplemental heat to prevent a… Read more

Licensed Plumber vs. Handyman

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A licensed plumber is the only person who should be working on the plumbing systems in your home. We at Jack Berleth & Sons are highly trained, licensed, and insured. To be a licensed plumber you must work under the tutelage of a licensed master plumber for seven years before you are able to apply… Read more

Faucet Leak Causes

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There may be several reasons why your faucet is dripping. A worn out washer, seal or loose parts to name a few. A slow drip from a faucet can waste more water than you might think. A single faucet leak with 10 drips per minute can waste up to 350 gallons a year and costing… Read more

Fix a Leak Week celebrated in March

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The Environmental Protection Agency in partnership with WaterSense celebrates annual Fix a Leak Week during the month of March. It is a time to remind everyone to check their household fixtures for leaks. The average household’s leaks can account for more than 10,000 gallons of water wasted every year, or the amount of water needed… Read more

Remembering Henry Berleth

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For those of you that haven’t heard, Henry Berleth, one of the founders of Jack Berleth & Sons, Inc., passed away on November 12. Over the years, Henry became a fixture in the Huntington Community. Aside from being involved in the intricacies of Jack Berleth & Sons, Inc. since its creation in 1947, Henry was… Read more

Providing the Best Customer Service

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Every season marks a change, but spring seems to bring with it the most significant changes. As we emerge from the gray of winter our moods are lightened, there is optimism for better things in the future, and we look ahead to the return of weather warm enough for shorts and sandals. Change is good… Read more

Prepare for Winter with Winterization

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Even though the warmth of summer hangs in the air, cold weather will be upon us before you know it. Don’t be caught off guard. Preparing ahead of time can save you a lot of grief and money. Taking the time to properly prepare your outdoor hosebibs, showers and bathrooms and irrigation systems with winterization… Read more

DIY Plumbing Fixes

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The challenges the current economy poses have affected us all. No one is exempt from the fallout that is occurring. We know it’s expensive to have a quality contractor in your home, but there are many DIY plumbing fixes you can do before having to call on us. If you are experiencing low pressure to… Read more

Water Filter or Bottled Water?

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Estimating a family of four consuming a case of bottled water per week versus the cost of an in home water filter system. 1 case per week @ $6.99/per case = $394.83/per year (incl sales tax), in some areas, you might even have to put a deposit on plastic bottles. You have to go out… Read more

Water Efficient Appliances and Fixtures

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The average American uses 100 gallons of water a day at home, and while those gallons add up, so do the dollars. A typical U.S. household spends $1,100 per year on water, but it can save $350 annually simply by installing water efficient appliances and fixtures. WaterSense labeled plumbing and irrigation fixtures have been independently… Read more

Natural Gas Heat is Efficient and Green

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Natural gas burns more efficiently. Convert to natural gas heat for a more clean, efficient system. Gas equipment will need less intense maintenance making it less expensive to keep up than oil equipment. Oil is thicker and heavier and leaves more residue behind. Oil burners require filtration to keep the oil tank gunk out of… Read more

Avoiding Mold in your Home

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Mold awareness has become an important issue in the plumbing industry. Because plumbing goes hand in hand with water, and water is a key ingredient to causing a mold problem, we’d like to offer the following suggestions to be proactive in preventing mold issues in your home. You can install exhaust fans in the bathrooms… Read more

Basement Flooding Prevention

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Accumulated water in a basement whether from broken pipes or weather can cause significant and costly damage to a home. Basement problems can occur more frequently during storms and in the winter. We rely on drainage around the homes foundation to collect water from rain and snow to direct away from a house so basement… Read more

Bathroom Remodeling & Alterations

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Home construction can be overwhelming.  Let us make the process easy for you.  We can perform a partial remodel which might include bathroom remodeling, such as: replacing dated fixtures and faucets, leaking shower repair and restoration, countertop replacement, cabinet replacement, replace a bathtub with a shower or vice/versa.  We can also totally transform the bathroom… Read more

Heating Systems, Hot water, Steam, Radiant floor heating, & Hydro-Air systems

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Heating systems on Long Island are ever changing and evolving and we are doing everything we can to stay current with new high efficiency heating systems and heating units while still maintaining and repairing the older systems found in our area. Everyone in our organization is involved in continuing education through manufacturer certification programs and classes… Read more

Water Heaters

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As with heating equipment, water heaters are changing in technology and options available to home owners.  We service, repair, and replace all the various water heating technologies: boiler tank-less coils, electric tank water heaters, oil fired water heaters, gas fired tank water heaters, indirect fired water heaters, point of use water heaters, and modern tank-less… Read more

Faucet Replacement

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Sometimes a fixture or faucet is beyond repair so a fixture or faucet replacement will be required.  It doesn’t make sense to throw good money after bad.  If our mechanic determines it would be better to replace a fixture or faucet, we can provide you with models and pricing for your particular need.  On our… Read more

Backflow Installations and Inspections

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A backflow device is a valve that is installed on a water line that only allows water to flow in only one direction.  It is a device that protects the safety of a public water supply.  If there is any kind of contamination to a water supply, and by a back syphon, that contaminated water… Read more

Gas Lines

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We are experienced with natural and propane gas. We can run brand new lines, or repair and modify existing lines. We are fully licensed and insured to be able to take out the necessary permits required when gas work is being completed. Natural gas is a very popular fuel source.  Cooking, heating, fireplaces, dryers, BBQ’s… Read more

Irrigation Repairs

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Here is where we outshine the irrigation companies that only do irrigation work.  They love to install systems and they are good at that, but when it comes to irrigation repairs and servicing systems they really would rather not be bothered.  We are set up for service and repair. When you call our office, the… Read more

New Construction

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New home construction, additions to existing homes – we have been fortunate to work with many homeowners and their builders in completing beautiful homes, for both the domestic plumbing system and heating system… Read more

Waste Lines

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    As this American Standard poster depicts, plumbers have always been an important piece of an intricate machine in keeping our drinking water healthy, and removing contaminated waste from our living areas.  From a small branch drain line from a basin or kitchen sink, to the main waste line that exits your home to… Read more

Home Winterizing Seasonal Home Winterizing

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If you have a need to be away for an extended period of time during the cold, winter months, why not think about winterizing the house?   Most people leave the heat on a low setting and have someone check the house periodically.  However, if there’s a power outage and the heat goes down, you could… Read more