As oil prices go up there becomes a higher demand to convert from oil to gas heat.
2. You don’t pay for natural gas until you use it.
3. Natural gas burns more efficiently.
4. Gas is versatile; many appliances can be changed to save more money!
5. Gas fired systems require less maintenance than oil systems.
6. Rebates may be available when converting
7. Go Green! Natural gas is cleaner than oil, less carbon emissions are released into the air, and, no odors, fumes or soot to clean or inhale in your home.
8. Gas is a convenient fuel source, flowing directly into your home from an underground source, no hassles arranging for oil deliveries, or possibly running out of oil when it’s freezing outside.
9. No environmental issues with having a buried oil tank, or a tank taking up space in your basement or garage.
10. Natural gas can fuel a backup generator during a power outage.