Keep your home safe during a freeze

Some helpful hints that might help save your pipes from freezing in extreme cold temperatures:
  • Keep your house temperature at a steady 70 degrees, even if you’re leaving the house for an extended period of time. 
  • Keep cabinet doors that are located on outside walls open so that heat gets in. 
  • Open water faucets and let water trickle until the cold snap passes.
Protect your home from carbon monoxide:
  • Make sure the batteries in your carbon monoxide detectors are fresh, because those could signal the presence of exhaust in the house if the vent pipes are blocked.  
  • Clear dryer vents of snow. If blocked it can cause fires. Furnace vents should also be cleared to prevent carbon monoxide backing up. 
  • Natural gas appliance chimneys and vents should be kept free of snow and ice to prevent the build-up of potentially-deadly carbon monoxide.