Conserve water and lower your bill

Did you know that more water is used in your bathroom than anywhere else in your home?

You can make your bathrooms much more water efficient with products bearing the WaterSense label. This includes toilets, shower heads and faucets. Using WaterSense products anywhere inside or outside of your home will save you money and help save Long Island’s aquifers.

Following are some suggestions to help conserve water throughout your home:

Shorten your Showers. Showers can use up to 6.5 gallons of water per minute. So let’s keep our showers short and sweet!

Brush your Teeth…in Silence. Once you moisten your toothbrush, there’s no reason to leave the tap running as you brush unless you like wasting water and money! Turn off the tap while brushing and turn it back on when you’re ready to rinse. You’ll save more than a gallon of water per minute.

Fully Load your Washers before Using. Whether it’s a load of whites or a stack of dirty dishes, running your washing machine or dishwasher only when they’re full will help save Long Island millions of gallons of water each year.

Don’t Hose it off if Another Tool Will Work. It’s really tempting to use the garden hose to wash away leaves, dust and other debris. It’s also incredibly wasteful. Use a rake, broom or shovel instead of the hose whenever possible.

Fix a Leak. That drip, drip, drip coming from your sink might not bother you that much, but it could be wasting gallons of water each day. Cumulatively, every tiny leak on Long Island could be wasting MILLIONS of gallons of water each year! So, get out your wrench, Google how to fix it, or call your local plumber and help save our water supply.

Keep your Plants Moist with Mulch. In addition to only watering your lawn when it needs it, you’ll need to water the plants around your home less with quality mulching. Mulch also provides nutrients, reduces run-off and helps fight weeds.

Go to the Car Wash. Today’s car washes are specifically designed to recycle water and be as efficient as possible, so please visit your local car wash instead of washing at home.